Walking in the forests gives the impression of being in an enchanted land, which seems stuck in time hundreds of years ago. This can happen in the forests of Cerbaie, located between the Pinete, Torre and Vedute, in the municipality of Fucecchio, just a short walk from the best-known nature reserve of the Marsh. The forests of the Cerbaie represent a "world apart", a territory lived and used until a few decades ago and since then largely abandoned. Trails that begin and are lost in the depths of the shrubbery, endless forests that possess characteristic natural habitats, landscapes and horizons in which does not seem to be only a few hundred metres from the industrialized area.

The Cerbain Community Interest Site (SIC), thanks to the humid and cool climate, among more common trees such as alders, oaks and white firtrees, very rare plants, such as Drosera Rotundifolia, a carnivorous plant of the ice age, and the Osmunda Regalis still survive, typical of tropical climates and dating back about 10 million years. In addition, in this natural environment, which has remained intact despite its proximity to the city, it is still possible to see squirrels, badgers, porcupines, magpies and woodpeckers; unique and undisturbed inhabitants of the forest.

In recent years, a part of this area, that is, the woods of the Ex Opera Pia Landini Marchiani, has been affected by a project of enhancement, for tourism and recreational purposes, carried out by the Municipality of Fucecchio thanks to the funds of the Rural Development Plan 2007-2013 Tuscany Region and with the technical and scientific support of the Institute of Cerbaie. This is how 7.5 kilometres of hiking trails have been recovered, along which recreation equipment and educational billboards have been prepared, with the aim of to re-evaluate a portion of territory so rich in beauty to be protected and enjoyed.
